Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cabo story #2- On a private Jet to Cabo

Mike Fox, owner of Boardworks, was awesome enough to pile us in his private jet, and head down to Cabo San Lucas. We were doing a trip for Rusty SUP, so there was a lot of equipment.

The plane can fit up to 15 people, but with the 10 RUSTY boards we brought…6 were only allowed, including the 2 pilots.

We left San Diego out of Gillespe field. It was hot and sunny and the surf was flat and blown out. So, I was stoked to go to Cabo where it was sunny and hot, but with head high waves the whole time. The 80 degree water was nice too!

They still allowed us to have Beer on the beach, so that was a real plus!!

Riding in a privet jet is a great way to travel! I would for sure do it again! Thanks again Mike.

1 comment:

  1. Only the Private Jet Charter undergo weekly maintenance and also they check the flight before and after take off and landing respectively.
