Monday, May 20, 2013

Pictures from OZ...

Now that things have settled down a bit, I can get some pictures up of my trip to Australia this Spring.  Wait...who am I kidding!?! I have a contest this weekend, things have not slowed down a bit! 

Here is a panoramic view of the contest...

When I first arrived, I had the chance to see some pro's shredding at Snaper Rock.  Here's my upclose with Clarissa and Alana. 

These girls can surf!!! Not a bad life, right?

I saw this Koala and had to get a photo of it for Erin...she'd have killed me if I didnt.
More Wildlife...hey lizard, lizard!

I'll post more pics soon...until then...I have a contest up in Santa Cruz!! WOO WOO Steamer Lane, here we come!

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