Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sticky Bumps- Recycled deck pads

I have recently been using Sticky Bumps Recycled Deck Pads on all my new Rusty boards.

Its made out of recycled foam, and the traction works great. The cut is a little sharper then the last pads, which I have found to have a better grip. For the last 3 months I have been testing these out and have grown to like them more then the original pads.

The new deck pads along with Day Glo wax is the ultimate combination for competitive surfing. Because of the color added to the Day Glo wax, it created a magical combination that can not be compared to anything on the market...

Check out all the other cool things at www.stickybumps.com

1 comment:

  1. wow, nice way to recycle deck pads...
    thanks for sharing....
